Features and Benefits
Available Dram Sizes & Colors:
2, 4, 6, 8, 12, & 16oz.
Easy-to-read Information

Visible on all sides of the box
Available in CRC cap style
Colorsafe® Ovals are available in five distinct colors with CRC Caps. The CRC Caps are included in each box.

Save Money ... Save Space!
Did you know, Colorsafe® Ovals are available by the box or by the case for your convenience? Ask your representative for details.
Child-Resistant Caps (CRC) 100 count
ColorSafe® Ovals (Case Sizes) with Child-Resistant Caps (CRC) (6 SKUs)
Item # | Size | Color | UPC # | Case Count |
850231 | 2 oz. | Amber | 0 84960 23110 0 | 100 |
850431 | 4 oz. | Amber | 0 84960 43110 4 | 100 |
850631 | 6 oz. | Amber | 0 84960 63110 8 | 100 |
850831 | 8 oz. | Amber | 0 84960 83175 1 | 75 |
851231 | 12 oz. | Amber | 0 84961 23150 5 | 50 |
851631 | 16 oz. | Amber | 0 84961 63150 3 | 50 |
Child-Resistant Caps (CRC) 25 count